As an institution, Fox Chase Cancer us for care, we carry something even more profound.
Please allow us to share.
With 2024 marking the 50th anniversary of our center, we remember our beginnings and reflect on our journey. We became Fox Chase, one of the first designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers in the United States, when the American Oncologic Hospital and the Instiute for Cancer Research were united. Our 50th anniversary deserves a level of thoughtfulness because it is critical to understand the path we have taken to know where we are going.
In the years since our founding — and even before then — Fox Chase and our predecessors have been home to groundbreaking discoveries and practice-changing treatments. Many contributions have informed these advances. There have been barriers and opportunities, setbacks and successes. And there have been many highly skilled people dedicating themselves to the science, the medicine, the funding, and the operational support required to make us who we are.
Proudly, we are Fox Chase.
While many awards and accolades have been bestowed to recognize this work and our center, there is one thing that holds particularly special meaning. It is the trust that our patients and their families place in us. We carry it reverently.
For each person who comes to us frightened and uncertain, we do all that we can to help them feel hopeful and determined. We are guides, caregivers, and listeners.
In the years ahead, we are pursuing exciting avenues in areas such as immunotherapy, cancer risk and outcomes in populations, cancer epigenetics and genome integrity, aging and cancer, and novel targets. We are working to improve access to care and participation in research, including development of crucial clinical trials. We are focusing more intently on collaborations among our faculty and mentoring of our trainees.
Our purpose is both simple and bold: to discover new ways of delivering better care. It is a mission that reflects history in the making, while holding dear the humanity of facing cancer.
With empathy and perseverance, we head into the future as Philadelphia’s enduring cancer center, daring to make the next decade (and more) a time to remember for bringing good to the cancer world and our community.
“In the years since our founding — and even before then — Fox Chase and our predecessors have been home to groundbreaking discoveries and practice-changing treatments. Many contributions have informed these advances.”
President and CEO
“In the years ahead, we are pursuing exciting avenues in areas such as immunotherapy, cancer risk and outcomes in populations, cancer epigenetics and genome integrity, aging and cancer, and novel targets.”
Cancer Center Director